Good News Outreach Church and Ministries inc

Meet Our Pastors Who Share God’s Love

Mark Zimbiri is the founder and visionary leader whose main objective is to preach and help people in need...
As a wife and helping hand to Pastor Mark, She has helped him achieve his God given vision...
Pastor Allan Arabion is an overseer at Mareso Mission, Millange South West in Mozambique...
'Good News Outreach Church and Ministries Inc', Influencing the destiny and impacting the lives of un-reached people groups in Malawi and Northern Mozambique with the gospel of love, care and hope.

This is a missionary training base/institution to be based in the city of Blantyre. The main focus of this institution will be training, equipping, inspiring, motivating as well as mobilizing young men and women to venture into world missions. We aim and envision training the younger generation for missions work such as evangelism, discipleship, soul winning, church planting as well as providing them with leadership skills they need to lead their peers and generations to walk in the fear of God. Why the youth? We often get this question. The answer is simple: The young (people under 35) are so vibrant, smart, strong, energetic, passionate, powerful, eager to learn, born in technological times, so they understand things/issues of these times better. The large percentage of the world’s population is under the age of 25 and who will reach them still remain the question some are asking. All over the world, the youth are the force to reckon with, so we need to encourage them, empower them, train them, equip them, inspire and motivate them to be at the center of world missions hence all these efforts shall be undertaken at the Global Harvest School of Missions.

In Mathew chapter 9, the Lord Jesus took a considerable amount of time talking and asking his disciples to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field because the harvest was plenteous and ripe but the workers were very few. I have no idea as to how many people/world population was there at that time but today we are hearing that the world’s population has surpassed over 7 billion. This means that the call to action made by Jesus then, demands extra gear, efforts, creativity and innovative. We will never reach the world with 17th century mindset. From the time of Jesus to date, world trends have changed so drastically hence we need to train and equip young leaders with new, fresh and critical ideas. The hour calls for innovative and creative leadership so the world will hear and know Jesus.

Global Leadership Training Association:
Fulfilling the great commission is a massive undertaking. An estimated 2 billion people-nearly 28 percent of the world’s population – remain unreached with the gospel. Societies everywhere need effective, positive leaders. The fulfillment of the great commission depends on Godly leaders who can inspire, teach and model Christ-like integrity in all realms of society. But where church growth is rapid, a problem develops: the demand for leaders outpaces the means to prepare them. Christ – like leadership requires growth in character, skills and Knowledge and this is the basis of our vision to train, prepare, equip, inspire, mobilize and motivate character, skilled and knowledgeable Christ- like leaders who will take the gospel out where the people are in the streets, market places, offices, urban and remote areas of Malawi and Mozambique seeking to save the lost at any cost for Christ. As the world’s nations and communities become increasingly interdependent, shouldn’t the largest global body of all- the church- lead in unity and cooperation? Serving Christ in this century requires new attitudes and fresh ways of working together. The Global Leadership Training Association envisions dynamic kingdom communities- growing in Number and Unity.