Good News Outreach Church and Ministries inc.
Our Ministries
Local Outreach
CRUSADES: We hold small, medium and large crusades in urban and remote areas of Malawi and Mozambique. The best method of reaching the un-reached people groups in
our modern times is going where the people are that is within their reach so we carry out the gospel message with us to where people are that is in their villages, townships, market places and in all their vicinities.
CONFERENCES: We hold and conduct small, medium and large scale leadership and Missions conferences in our regions both in Malawi and Mozambique. Research has revealed that almost 90% of pastors and leaders in developing nations are
not trained formally and they are in critical need of sound biblical training that can help them fulfil their God given vision and call upon their lives. In order to help these pastors, Good News Outreach Church developed
tailor-made programs that are being implemented through such conferences and seminars. We bring together hundreds and thousands of pastors, leaders and lay men for four days to be trained in various theological trainings.
RAISING THE RED FLAG; EXPANSION OF ISLAM IN MALAWI + MOZAMBIQUE: Currently, we are faced by a big challenge as Muslims in Malawi and Northern part of Mozambique have intensified their efforts and right now in Malawi they are implementing
a number of projects and programs ranging from water, feeding the poor, education, health, livelihoods among others. They are on a mission to build mosques in every village in Malawi and this massive challenge is called ONE VILLAGE ONE MOSQUE.
In a period of one year (Jan. 2019-Jan.2020), they have constructed over 271 mosques country wide. As Christians, we need to engage an extra gear and intensify our programs too to counter face them but working so swiftly with wisdom and knowledge to save
God’s people from this cult. The need is too great.
Our Services.
In rural Malawi, inability to pay fees for one to access primary health care causes panic, discomfort and then death. Women and children die along the way walking a distance of about 35 km by foot to access health care services from very far health facilities. Pregnant mothers many times suffer and many die during deliveries as they cannot cover long distances by foot to reach hospitals where they could give birth under the supervision of medical expert. This among many factors drove us to initiate the construction of this clinic.
To help the youths in various communities help themselves we offer serveral trainings under River of Life organisation where they can learn various skills like Carpentry and Joinery, ICT, tailoring and designing etc..
We also work to help combat modern day slavery of sex and human trafficking by providing care, support to victims and survivors of sex and human trafficking.